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Hints to Prospective Breeders

1. Farm with that type of breed of sheep that you are interested in or that attracts your attention.

Care of the animal, better methods of breeding and ultimate success, are all dependent on your love for that particular animal.

2. Never underestimate the importance of the ram you use – whether stud or flock.

The ram has the greater influence on the flock and if your aim is improvement, the correct type of ram must be selected.  On buying a ram you have to anticipate that, that ram wil breed true to itself.  Don’t expect the ram to breed a product superior to itself.  Rather purchase a ram with available records and determine the production records of its progeny.

In the case of a young ram, where such data is not available, the following should be taken into consideration:

  • Who is the sire, and what are the production records of other related progeny like?
  • Who is the ewe? Did she produce regularly and was her yield of milk sufficient to allow for a satisfactory increase in weighty over a fixed period in her progeny? You expect your ram to propagate these characteristics in his progeny, but yours is a futile hope if this ram is genetically not capable of doing so.

3. Nor must the importance of a good breeding ewe be undervalued.

It is quite true that the ram is responsible for 50 percent of the success of your flock, but the ewe forms the basis of the flock – an all important factor. Therefore the following characteristics should be concentrated on:

  • Regular reproduction.
  • Motherly traits. Is the milk supply sufficient and does she take care of her young?
  • Is the ewe physically strong enough to rear a lamb under adverse conditions without postponing her next production?

4. Keep production records.

Records enable the breeder to make selections on scientific basis, in that he has at his disposal in black and white those data for which he is selecting. The only way of determining the breeding value of your ram or ewe is by means of production and progeny records. There is no haphazard guessing and your breeding process is basically sound.

5. See to it that you are acquainted with the standards for breeding as laid down by the association for your breed of sheep.

It is absolutely essential that you should be aware of every aspect regarding your breed and association. Attend as many lectures and demonstrations as possible; one never gets too old to learn. Many a headstrong breeder has ultimately find himself in a labybrinth from which there was no exit as far as breeding is regarded.

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