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Welcome to Van Rooy Sheep Breeders Association
The Association aims at the improvement of the breed and therefore an inspection service has been instituted. Under this system the sheep of farmers, that are interested, are inspected or selected by inspectors appointed by the Association.
Stud animals are tattooed in the right ear for identification. Prospective Van Rooy farmers may buy their animals via the Association, thus ensuring that they are procuring selected stock of pure breed.
A National championship is held biannually under the auspices of the Van Rooy Sheep Breeders’ Association. Improvement in quality is easily discernible here. At this moment the Association is organizing an annual sale of selected rams and ewe.
From time to time Van Rooy sheep-days are held, at which the standards set for the breed, as well as marks for classification, are explained. The programme usually includes also other interesting lectures on points of general interest.